
Very Mini Digital Sabbatical

During the week of 9th - 16th September 2011 I experimented by taking my first very mini Digital Sabbatical after reading about Gwen Bell's experiences.

This coincided with a week holiday mostly by myself in the beautiful town of St Ives:

I really needed a rest and a break from everything digital. I had picked up some bad digital habits, namely checking email and facebook a great deal.

For this week in September I:
  • read books
  • surfed - the perfect activity for refreshing the mind
  • walked around loads
  • read dedications to passed loved ones writen on park bench memorials
  • ate good food (and a little bad food too!)
  • wave watched
  • cloud gazed
  • drank a few cocktails
  • hung out with family
  • wrote in my journal a lot

I didn't:
  • take my laptop with me
  • hit refresh on digital inboxes / streams
  • check email much (I disabled all accounts however I did give in 3 times enabling mail on my phone then disabling it each time after)
  • create digital work (besides a few notes on my phone to remind me of concepts I wanted to write about)
  • browse the web with the exception of reading intentionally Leo Babauta's two sites, Zen Habits and Mnmlist. Both were simple text only sites / posts.
  • do anything that required my laptop to be on
What was it like?

I'm not going to lie, the first couple of days were tough! I didn't really know what to do with myself. time seemed to expand. I ended up writing alot about what I was doing / not doing / thinking which helped me debrief.

My brain was on the hunt to connect with others and kept trying to find things to DO that mattered. This manifested in me taking alot of photos.

After a while I got into the swing of solitude and relaxing. I ended up walking alot, something which I swore to my parents as a kid I hated and would never enjoy when all I wanted to do was surf. Funny how things, or should it be myself, change.

I became very content with not doing much, moving slowly and having a greater awareness of everything.

Of course this was helped by the stunning location and the fact that I could hear the ocean from my apartment at the stylish sail lofts when I went to sleep and woke up.

What is it like now?

I'm better at using the net. I still think about checking email first thing in the morning, sometimes I do on my laptop, but I try to wait until later on in the afternoon / evening. It's a work in progress.

I cut most ties with facebook.

There is more space for other stuff like creating and thinking now.


Cutting ties with Facebook

I had over 700 people as friends on Facebook.

I actually knew maybe around 100.

I use facebook primarilly for "business" - to let people know about Studio Scratches and Deliberate.

With so many people and so many status updates of largely nothing important, we are getting overwhelmed.

Think about it like this:

I read / follow maybe 3 - 5 people at any one time. At the moment this is:

Leo Babauta (Zen Habits / Mnmlist)
Gwen Bell
Ev Bogue

I actively SEEK OUT their content (RSS and G+ follow stream)

When we really want something we seek it out.

If we like drinking Starbucks, we don't wait for a Starbucks to knock on our door. We go out and order one.

If we like listening to an artist we load it on our music devices. It involves action from US. It shouldn't be passive.

There are tools that make it easier to find updates to your favourite stuff, but these are just tools and not our master. We don't need to be slaves to passive updates.

I would rather people sign up to Studio Scratches and Deliberate or come and visit them intentionally if they find it valuable, rather than me posting stuff in my updates along with 1000s of other people. It devalues it. Opting in so to speak.

I hope the people that choose buy my products do so deliberately, free from marketing hype and trickery and that they are insanely useful. I work on this daily. This is the real work for me.

I cut my friend list down to around 70, reserved for people I have met in real life primarily and family.

Right now I have a facebook group running for the Studio Scratches heads and a Studio Scratches facebook page, but this may eventually become void.

The reason I kept the facebook group is that it is actually very supportive and people post info of value. It serves as a place of community.

I am interested to see if G+ can take over for this.


Deleted apps off my phone

I recently deleted most apps off my phone.


  • Games
  • Productivity apps
  • Gadgets and gizmos

Any apps I couldnt delete I put in a folder marked "unused" which is out of sight.

What I currently use my phone for:

  • making calls (rarely)
  • texting (slightly more frequently)
  • taking pictures (now and then of cool stuff especially nature)
  • shooting video for Studio Scratches
  • taking notes for ideas and blog posts
  • reading ebooks
  • waking me up on work days (a nice mellow sound)

That is pretty much it!

The result

  • I am more focused on other things and way less distracted.
  • I have space to think about thing
  • I am more aware of my surroundings
  • I am no longer so tied to a device

Other Notes

I aim to have my phone out of sight when I am with others - no checking of anything! This allows full attention on the present moment and the other person.

From the surface I might appear to be another droid walking around with a smart phone at times, however all the things I do on it are serving other creative purposes and adding value to my life.

Deleted Email off my Phone

I finally deleted email off my phone.

Ahhhhhh. Pure bliss!


Checking email was the first thing I did when I woke up, last thing at night and even I have to admit on waking in the middle of the night!

I was controlled by it to a certain extent.

What is it like?

Now I have more time to think.

I check email usually once a day, when I get home from my day job.

I disabled most email notifications and unsubscribed from most things.

Things like YouTube comments and questions for Studio Scratches I check once every few days and work until I have answered them all then go back to real life.

I stil sometimes check it more than once a day and hit the refresh button a few times but largely life is good without it!




My name is Emma.

I write here to keep track of things I have been doing and have done. It's mainly for me but if you find value and benefit in reading it and maybe then applying some action then I am happy about that too.

At the moment:

I help people learn to scratch DJ and make video and music resources for them @ Studio Scratches

I also like to encourage people to live life on purpose and create the life they want @ Deliberate

I also work a full time day job.

My writing here mainly falls outside of things I would write about for the above 2 sites, but it also might end up inspiring it too.