This included gigs and gigs of:
- artwork
- graphic design
- website designs
- website code
- client work
- video projects
- music production
- inspiration - others artwork and musings
- ebooks
The digital past is taking up way too much digital space and head space and there is no need for it.
My old work is simply not up to the standard I see in my head moving forwards and although it can be useful to reflect on past work, I think it is way more useful to move forwards.
Why was I hanging onto it?
Thoughts ranged from:
- What if I need it in the future?
- Keep it just in case you go back to that kind of work and need a portfolio
- I might need it to get inspired
- What if I want to publish it as an archive in the future? It could be valuable!
- What if I don't make anything as good in the future?!
I burnt all bridges and moved ahead.
Ahh, and relax. Feel the space. Time to create something new.
Keep pushing, keep striving, keep making.
Now THAT is exciting!
What are you hanging onto that you could let go of?