- Games
- Productivity apps
- Gadgets and gizmos
Any apps I couldnt delete I put in a folder marked "unused" which is out of sight.
What I currently use my phone for:
- making calls (rarely)
- texting (slightly more frequently)
- taking pictures (now and then of cool stuff especially nature)
- shooting video for Studio Scratches
- taking notes for ideas and blog posts
- reading ebooks
- waking me up on work days (a nice mellow sound)
That is pretty much it!
The result
- I am more focused on other things and way less distracted.
- I have space to think about thing
- I am more aware of my surroundings
- I am no longer so tied to a device
Other Notes
I aim to have my phone out of sight when I am with others - no checking of anything! This allows full attention on the present moment and the other person.
From the surface I might appear to be another droid walking around with a smart phone at times, however all the things I do on it are serving other creative purposes and adding value to my life.